Friday, January 14, 2011

naming confusion...

Marshall Breeding posted an Ex Libris press release today, which describes an apparent name change for the vendor's next-generation library management solution, from URM to Alma. I am scheduled to attend a breakfast describing URM on Sunday morning, but the branding folks have other ideas....

Along the same lines, I've found OCLC's designation of content, as the vendor simultaneously makes third-party content available through WorldCat Local, to be another confusion generator. It's more confusing than it sounds on the surface, and it's very difficult to obtain accurate and current information on the content (databases, approximate number of objects) that makes up
Postscript: Okay, I did attend this Ex Libris session in San Diego. It's now my understanding that Alma is narrower, that URM is a broader technology initiative by Ex Libris, while Alma involves the cloud-based management system piece.

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